- 商户自身开放人员
- 第三方开发人员
- 所有API均需遵守Shoptop API许可和使用条款
- 所有API均受速率限制
- 所有API都要求开发人员进行身份验证
- 所有API已版本化
您的插件需要获得Client ID和Client Secret,以便在授权过程中用于表明您的身份。 请通过邮件(support@shoptop.com)联系Shoptop的开发以获取Client ID和Client Secret,在这个过程中,你需要提供App的基本信息以及两个接口的地址(Oauth触发接口 app_uri和Oauth回调接口 redirect_uri),如下:
- 公司业务简介(请附上官网地址)
Public APP基础信息
- 授权触发地址(app_uri),回调地址(redirect_uri)
- APP图标(尺寸 150x150,PNG格式)
- 接口人的邮箱地址
- APP中英文名称
- APP的中英文简要描述
- APP权限:店铺信息、顾客、订单、商品 (具体见开发者文档)etc.
开发者在开发第三方插件的时候会需要申请店铺的使用权,每次申请的期限不能超过60天,用于测试自己开发的插件功能。 开发者需要提供以下信息,并发邮件(support@shoptop.com)给Shoptop的开发申请权限。
- 店铺ID
- 时长(单位天)
- 申请的目的
- 插件名称
- OAuth
- Access-Token验证
- 公共插件使用OAuth
- 私有插件使用Access-Token验证
公共插件必须使用OAuth 2.0规范进行身份验证,才能使用Shoptop的API资源
名称 | 描述 |
插件 | 与平台对接的任何应用统称为插件。 |
客户端 | 想要访问商家数据的任何插件。 |
API | Shoptop提供的 API,客户端 可以使用 API 读取和修改店铺数据。 |
用户 | Shoptop 的账户持有人,通常是商家。用户 授权 客户端 通过 API 访问店铺数据。 |
Shoptop使用OAuth 2.0的授权代码授予流程代表用户发放访问令牌。
- 用户请求安装该插件。
- 该插件重定向到Shoptop并加载OAuth授权页面和插件的访问范围。
- 用户同意授权并重定向到插件的 redirect_uri。
- 插件发出包括clientId,clientSecret和code的请求到Shoptop
- Shoptop返回token
- 该插件使用token向Shoptop发出API请求。
- Shoptop返回请求的数据
您需要获得Client ID和Client Secret,以便在授权过程中用于表明您的身份。 获取客户端资格:请联系Shoptop的开发以获取Client ID和Client Secret,在这个过程中,你需要提供App的基本信息以及两个接口的地址(Oauth 触发接口app_uri和Oauth回调接口 redirect_uri)
- store_domain:商家店铺域名
- clientId:应用的客户端ID
- scope:空格分隔的scope列表替换它。 例如,要编写订单和读取顾客信息,请使用
scope=write_order read_customer
(scope之间以空格分开,查看全部scope列表) - redirectUri: 您在授权客户端后重定向到应用的URL (如http://example.com/some/redirectUri)
- responseType:此请求下的值为code
在继续接下来的流程之前,请确保您的插件执行了以下安全检查。 如果检查失败,您的插件须拒绝该请求并返回错误
- 校验hmac字段,确认其值正确(Hmac生成算法)
- 该hmac是有效的。HMAC由Shoptop签名
- 该shop参数是有效的主机名,如store.ishoptop.com
如果所有安全检查均通过,则可以通过向商店的accessToken端点发送POST请求,用授权 code 交换为一个维持时间一年的accessToken和不过期的refreshToken
POST https://{store_domain}/api/org/oauth/token
- clientId:插件的客户端ID
- clientSecret:插件的客户端安全秘钥
- code:回调地址中提供的授权code
- grantType:授权方式,该请求下的值为authorization_code
- redirectUri:应用的回调地址
"tokenType": "Bearer",
"expiresAt": 1550546245,
"accessToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJh",
"refreshToken": "def502003d28ba08a964e",
"shopId": "2",
"shopName": "xiong1889"
- tokenType:返回Bearer
- expiresAt:访问密钥过期时间
- accessToken:访问密钥
- refreshToken:更新密钥,用于更新密钥
- shopId:店铺id
- shopName:用户名,通常是店家域名
accessToken 失效之后,请使用下面的请求完成更新accessToken的操作(您必须保存更新之后的refreshToken已方便再次进行更新)
POST https://{store_domain}/api/org/oauth/refreshToken
- clientId:插件的客户端ID
- clientSecret:插件的客户端安全秘钥
- refreshToken: 保存在您插件中的refreshToken值
- grantType:授权方式,该请求下的值为refresh_token
- redirectUri:插件的回调地址
第四步:调用 API
客户端获得API访问token后,便可以向RESTful API发出经过身份验证的请求。这些请求 Headers 必须带有 Access-Token: {accessToken}
curl --request GET \
--url https://{store_domain}/openapi/v1/orders \
--header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8' \
--header 'Access-Token: B_x-_5aVeXNwI-4AB98s5xLIvgv0fNzGf_MuTpqtIBA'
- read_product, write_product
- read_order, write_order
- read_collection, write_collection
- read_shop
- read_comments, write_comments
- read_script_tags, write_script_tags
- read_customer, write_customer
- read_app_proxy, write_app_proxy
- read_price_rules, write_price_rules
- read_data, write_data
public static String HMACSHA256(String data, String key) throws Exception {
Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
SecretKeySpec secret_key = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes("UTF-8"), "HmacSHA256");
byte[] array = sha256_HMAC.doFinal(data.getBytes("UTF-8"));
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (byte item : array) {
sb.append(Integer.toHexString((item & 0xFF) | 0x100).substring(1, 3));
return sb.toString().toUpperCase();
每个webhook请求都会带有一个通过base64加密的X-Shoptop-Hmac-Sha256请求头。X-Shoptop-Hmac-Sha256的值是使用插件的Client Secret和请求中带有的参数生成的。如果需要验证请求是来自Shoptop,可以按照SDK中的算法计算出HMAC值,并和请求头中的X-Shoptop-Hmac-Sha256值进行比较,如果相同,则可以确认请求来自Shoptop。通过Hmac算法,使用请求中的数据和Client Secret计算出hmac值,再经过Base64处理,即可得到HMAC值。
Shoptop-OpenAPI V1
URL: /openapi/v1/orders/
Type: GET
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: 订单列表
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
pageNo | number | 页码,从1开始 | true | v1 |
pageSize | number | 每页显示条数 default: 10, maximum: 200 | true | v1 |
ids | string | id1, id2 订单id串, 用英文逗号分隔 | false | v1 |
status | string | 订单状态 opened(未完成),placed(进行中),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) | false | v1 |
financialStatus | string | 订单支付状态 waiting(待支付),paying(支付中),paid(已支付),cancelled(已取消),failed(失败),refunding(退款中),refund_failed(退款失败),refunded(已退款), partially_refunded(部分退款) | false | v1 |
fulfillmentStatus | string | 订单物流状态 initialled(空),waiting(待发货),partially_shipped(部分发货),shipped(已发货),partially_finished(部分完成),finished(已完成), cancelled(取消) | false | v1 |
timeType | string | 时间类型 created(创建时间),updated(修改时间),placed(订单支付时间) | false | v1 |
startTime | string | 起始时间 (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) | false | v1 |
endTime | string | 结束时间(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) | false | v1 |
curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/orders/?ids=qtz26v&financialStatus=osawf4&fulfillmentStatus=a5untx&timeType=bi4myb&endTime=2021-08-12 09:29:37&status=yyz5tj&pageSize=10&startTime=2021-08-12 09:29:37&pageNo=546
Field | Type | Description | Since |
code | number | code | v1 |
errorCode | number | errorCode | v1 |
msg | string | message | v1 |
data | array | data | v1 |
└─orderNo | string | 订单编号 | v1 |
└─id | number | id | v1 |
└─totalPrice | string | 总价 | v1 |
└─subTotal | string | 小计金额 | v1 |
└─currency | string | 货币类型 | v1 |
└─financialStatus | string | 订单支付状态waiting(待支付),paying(支付中),paid(已支付),cancelled(已取消),failed(失败),refunding(退款中),refund_failed(退款失败),refunded(已退款),partially_refunded(部分退款) | v1 |
└─orderStatus | string | 订单状态 opened(未完成),placed(进行中),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) | v1 |
└─canceledAt | string | 订单取消时间 | v1 |
└─cancelReason | string | 订单取消原因 | v1 |
└─orderNote | string | 订单备注 | v1 |
└─fulfillmentStatus | string | 物流状态 initialled(空),waiting(待发货),partially_shipped(部分发货),shipped(已发货),partially_finished(部分完成),finished(已完成), cancelled(取消),returning(退货中),returned(已退货) | v1 |
└─customerDeletedAt | string | 客户删除订单时间 | v1 |
└─placedAt | string | 订单确认时间 | v1 |
└─tags | string | 订单标签 | v1 |
└─discountCode | string | 订单优惠码 | v1 |
└─codeDiscountTotal | string | 订单优惠码优惠价格 | v1 |
└─lineItemDiscountTotal | string | 商品折扣 | v1 |
└─customerNote | string | 客户备注 | v1 |
└─totalDiscount | string | 订单折扣 | v1 |
└─totalTax | string | 总税费 | v1 |
└─totalShipping | string | 运费 | v1 |
└─createdAt | string | 创建时间 | v1 |
└─updatedAt | string | 更新时间 | v1 |
└─lineItems | array | 订单商品 | v1 |
└─productTitle | string | 商品标题 | v1 |
└─variantTitle | string | 子商品标题 | v1 |
└─quantity | number | 商品数量 | v1 |
└─note | string | 备注 | v1 |
└─image | string | 商品图片 | v1 |
└─price | string | 商品售价 | v1 |
└─compareAtPrice | string | 商品原价 | v1 |
└─total | string | 总价 | v1 |
└─sku | string | sku | v1 |
└─weight | string | 重量 | v1 |
└─weightUnit | string | 重量单位(kg, g ...) | v1 |
└─vendor | string | 商品供应商 | v1 |
└─properties | string | 商品属性 | v1 |
└─productUrl | string | 商品url | v1 |
└─productHandle | string | 商品handle | v1 |
└─id | number | id | v1 |
└─productId | string | 商品id | v1 |
└─variantId | string | 子商品id | v1 |
└─fulfillmentStatus | string | 运单状态 | v1 |
└─paymentLine | object | 支付方式 | v1 |
└─paymentChannel | string | 支付渠道 | v1 |
└─paymentMethod | string | 支付方式 | v1 |
└─transactionNo | string | 交易号 | v1 |
└─merchantId | string | 收款账户ID | v1 |
└─merchantEmail | string | 收款账户Email | v1 |
└─shippingLine | object | 运费方案 | v1 |
└─name | string | 物流方案名称 | v1 |
└─billingAddress | object | 账单地址 | v1 |
└─firstName | string | 收货人名 | v1 |
└─lastName | string | 收货人姓 | v1 |
└─address1 | string | 街道 | v1 |
└─address2 | string | 寓所 | v1 |
└─city | string | 城市 | v1 |
└─zip | string | 邮编 | v1 |
└─province | string | 省份 | v1 |
└─country | string | 国家 | v1 |
└─company | string | 公司 | v1 |
└─latitude | string | 纬度 | v1 |
└─longitude | string | 经度 | v1 |
└─name | string | 姓名 | v1 |
└─countryCode | string | 国家代码 | v1 |
└─provinceCode | string | 省份代码 | v1 |
└─phoneAreaCode | string | 手机区号 | v1 |
string | 邮箱 | v1 | |
└─area | string | 区域 | v1 |
└─shippingAddress | object | 物流地址 | v1 |
└─firstName | string | 收货人名 | v1 |
└─lastName | string | 收货人姓 | v1 |
└─address1 | string | 街道 | v1 |
└─address2 | string | 寓所 | v1 |
└─phone | string | 手机号码 | v1 |
└─city | string | 城市 | v1 |
└─zip | string | 邮编 | v1 |
└─province | string | 省份 | v1 |
└─country | string | 国家 | v1 |
└─company | string | 公司 | v1 |
└─latitude | string | 纬度 | v1 |
└─longitude | string | 经度 | v1 |
└─name | string | 收货人姓名 | v1 |
└─countryCode | string | 国家代码 | v1 |
└─provinceCode | string | 省份代码 | v1 |
└─phoneAreaCode | string | 手机区号 | v1 |
string | 邮箱 | v1 | |
└─area | string | 区域 | v1 |
└─extraInfo | string | 特殊物流字段 | v1 |
└─fulfillments | array | 运单信息 | v1 |
└─id | number | id | v1 |
└─orderId | number | 订单id | v1 |
└─status | string | 运单状态 waiting(待发货),shipped(已发货),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) | v1 |
└─createdAt | string | 创建时间 | v1 |
└─updatedAt | string | 修改时间 | v1 |
└─trackingCompany | string | 物流公司 | v1 |
└─trackingNumber | string | 运单号 | v1 |
└─trackingCompanyCode | string | 物流公司编号 | v1 |
└─lineItems | array | 测试 | v1 |
└─productTitle | string | 商品标题 | v1 |
└─variantTitle | string | 子商品标题 | v1 |
└─quantity | number | 商品数量 | v1 |
└─note | string | 备注 | v1 |
└─image | string | 商品图片 | v1 |
└─price | string | 商品售价 | v1 |
└─compareAtPrice | string | 商品原价 | v1 |
└─total | string | 总价 | v1 |
└─sku | string | sku | v1 |
└─weight | string | 重量 | v1 |
└─weightUnit | string | 重量单位(kg, g ...) | v1 |
└─vendor | string | 商品供应商 | v1 |
└─properties | string | 商品属性 | v1 |
└─productUrl | string | 商品url | v1 |
└─productHandle | string | 商品handle | v1 |
└─id | number | id | v1 |
└─productId | string | 商品id | v1 |
└─variantId | string | 子商品id | v1 |
└─fulfillmentStatus | string | 运单状态 | v1 |
└─customer | object | 顾客信息 | v1 |
string | 客户邮箱 | v1 | |
└─firstName | string | 名 | v1 |
└─lastName | string | 姓 | v1 |
└─ordersCount | string | 客户下单数 | v1 |
└─totalSpent | string | 顾客消费总额 | v1 |
└─phone | string | 客户手机号码 | v1 |
└─createdAt | string | 创建时间 | v1 |
└─updatedAt | string | 修改时间 | v1 |
"code": 0,
"errorCode": 0,
"msg": "请求成功",
"data": [
"orderNo": "SVZ6191264",
"id": "1376883403227529217",
"totalPrice": "10.00",
"subTotal": "11.00",
"currency": "USD",
"financialStatus": "waiting",
"orderStatus": "opened",
"canceledAt": null,
"cancelReason": null,
"orderNote": null,
"fulfillmentStatus": "initialled",
"customerDeletedAt": null,
"placedAt": null,
"tags": null,
"discountCode": "KR88M4D7",
"codeDiscountTotal": "1.00",
"lineItemDiscountTotal": null,
"customerNote": "",
"totalDiscount": "1.00",
"totalTax": "0.00",
"totalShipping": "0.00",
"createdAt": "2021-03-30 21:05:59",
"updatedAt": "2021-03-31 09:15:39",
"lineItems": [
"productTitle": "4444",
"variantTitle": "4444",
"quantity": 11,
"note": null,
"image": "https://cdn.shoptop.com/1357301923878989826.png",
"price": "1.00",
"compareAtPrice": "10.00",
"total": "11.00",
"sku": "111",
"weight": "1.00",
"weightUnit": "kg",
"vendor": null,
"properties": null,
"productUrl": null,
"productHandle": "4444",
"id": "1376883403403689986",
"productId": "1357302156562198530",
"variantId": "1357302156591558657",
"fulfillmentStatus": "waiting"
"paymentLine": {
"paymentChannel": "ocean",
"paymentMethod": "credit_card",
"transactionNo": null,
"merchantId": null,
"merchantEmail": null
"shippingLine": {
"name": "freeno"
"billingAddress": {
"firstName": "",
"lastName": "23 33",
"address1": "323",
"address2": "3242",
"city": "3243242",
"zip": "3333",
"province": "Abyan",
"country": "Yemen",
"company": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"name": "23 33",
"countryCode": "YE",
"provinceCode": "YE-AB",
"phoneAreaCode": null,
"email": "123@123.com",
"area": null
"shippingAddress": {
"firstName": "23 33",
"lastName": "23 33",
"address1": "323",
"address2": "3242",
"phone": "",
"city": "3243242",
"zip": "3333",
"province": "Abyan",
"country": "Yemen",
"company": null,
"latitude": null,
"longitude": null,
"name": "23 33 23 33",
"countryCode": "YE",
"provinceCode": "YE-AB",
"phoneAreaCode": null,
"email": "123@123.com",
"area": null,
"extraInfo": ""
"fulfillments": null,
"customer": {
"email": "1234@164.com",
"firstName": "22423",
"lastName": "23423",
"ordersCount": "0",
"totalSpent": "0.00",
"phone": null,
"createdAt": "2021-03-30 21:05:54",
"updatedAt": null
URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{id}
Type: GET
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: 订单详情
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
id | number | 订单id | true | v1 |
curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/orders/254
Field | Type | Description | Since |
code | number | code | v1 |
errorCode | number | errorCode | v1 |
msg | string | message | v1 |
data | object | data | v1 |
└─orderNo | string | 订单编号 | v1 |
└─id | number | id | v1 |
└─totalPrice | string | 总价 | v1 |
└─subTotal | string | 小计金额 | v1 |
└─currency | string | 货币类型 | v1 |
└─financialStatus | string | 订单支付状态waiting(待支付),paying(支付中),paid(已支付),cancelled(已取消),failed(失败),refunding(退款中),refund_failed(退款失败),refunded(已退款),partially_refunded(部分退款) | v1 |
└─orderStatus | string | 订单状态 opened(未完成),placed(进行中),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) | v1 |
└─canceledAt | string | 订单取消时间 | v1 |
└─cancelReason | string | 订单取消原因 | v1 |
└─orderNote | string | 订单备注 | v1 |
└─fulfillmentStatus | string | 物流状态 initialled(空),waiting(待发货),partially_shipped(部分发货),shipped(已发货),partially_finished(部分完成),finished(已完成), cancelled(取消),returning(退货中),returned(已退货) | v1 |
└─customerDeletedAt | string | 客户删除订单时间 | v1 |
└─placedAt | string | 订单确认时间 | v1 |
└─tags | string | 订单标签 | v1 |
└─discountCode | string | 订单优惠码 | v1 |
└─codeDiscountTotal | string | 订单优惠码优惠价格 | v1 |
└─lineItemDiscountTotal | string | 商品折扣 | v1 |
└─customerNote | string | 客户备注 | v1 |
└─totalDiscount | string | 订单折扣 | v1 |
└─totalTax | string | 总税费 | v1 |
└─totalShipping | string | 运费 | v1 |
└─createdAt | string | 创建时间 | v1 |
└─updatedAt | string | 更新时间 | v1 |
└─lineItems | array | 订单商品 | v1 |
└─productTitle | string | 商品标题 | v1 |
└─variantTitle | string | 子商品标题 | v1 |
└─quantity | number | 商品数量 | v1 |
└─note | string | 备注 | v1 |
└─image | string | 商品图片 | v1 |
└─price | string | 商品售价 | v1 |
└─compareAtPrice | string | 商品原价 | v1 |
└─total | string | 总价 | v1 |
└─sku | string | sku | v1 |
└─weight | string | 重量 | v1 |
└─weightUnit | string | 重量单位(kg, g ...) | v1 |
└─vendor | string | 商品供应商 | v1 |
└─properties | string | 商品属性 | v1 |
└─productUrl | string | 商品url | v1 |
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└─productId | string | 商品id | v1 |
└─variantId | string | 子商品id | v1 |
└─fulfillmentStatus | string | 运单状态 | v1 |
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└─paymentMethod | string | 支付方式 | v1 |
└─transactionNo | string | 交易号 | v1 |
└─merchantId | string | 收款账户ID | v1 |
└─merchantEmail | string | 收款账户Email | v1 |
└─shippingLine | object | 运费方案 | v1 |
└─name | string | 物流方案名称 | v1 |
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└─firstName | string | 收货人名 | v1 |
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string | 邮箱 | v1 | |
└─area | string | 区域 | v1 |
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└─firstName | string | 收货人名 | v1 |
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└─country | string | 国家 | v1 |
└─company | string | 公司 | v1 |
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└─name | string | 收货人姓名 | v1 |
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string | 邮箱 | v1 | |
└─area | string | 区域 | v1 |
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URL: /openapi/v1/orders/count
Type: GET
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: 订单数量
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
status | string | 订单状态 opened(未完成),placed(进行中),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) | false | v1 |
financialStatus | string | 订单支付状态 waiting(待支付),paying(支付中),paid(已支付),cancelled(已取消),failed(失败),refunding(退款中),refund_failed(退款失败),refunded(已退款), partially_refunded(部分退款) | false | v1 |
fulfillmentStatus | string | 订单物流状态 initialled(空),waiting(待发货),partially_shipped(部分发货),shipped(已发货),partially_finished(部分完成),finished(已完成), cancelled(取消) | false | v1 |
timeType | string | 时间类型 created(创建时间),updated(修改时间) | false | v1 |
startTime | string | 起始时间(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) | false | v1 |
endTime | string | 结束时间(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) | false | v1 |
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Field | Type | Description | Since |
code | number | code | v1 |
errorCode | number | errorCode | v1 |
msg | string | message | v1 |
data | object | data | v1 |
└─count | number | 数量 | v1 |
"code": 0,
"errorCode": 0,
"msg": "请求成功",
"data": {
"count": "6"
URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{id}/cancel
Type: POST
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Description: 取消订单
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
id | number | 订单id | true | v1 |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
reason | string | 取消原因 | false | v1 |
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/orders/264/cancel --data '{
"reason": "6k7d95"
Field | Type | Description | Since |
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└─orderStatus | string | 订单状态 opened(未完成),placed(进行中),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) | v1 |
└─canceledAt | string | 订单取消时间 | v1 |
└─cancelReason | string | 订单取消原因 | v1 |
└─orderNote | string | 订单备注 | v1 |
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└─customerDeletedAt | string | 客户删除订单时间 | v1 |
└─placedAt | string | 订单确认时间 | v1 |
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└─lineItemDiscountTotal | string | 商品折扣 | v1 |
└─customerNote | string | 客户备注 | v1 |
└─totalDiscount | string | 订单折扣 | v1 |
└─totalTax | string | 总税费 | v1 |
└─totalShipping | string | 运费 | v1 |
└─createdAt | string | 创建时间 | v1 |
└─updatedAt | string | 更新时间 | v1 |
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└─image | string | 商品图片 | v1 |
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└─compareAtPrice | string | 商品原价 | v1 |
└─total | string | 总价 | v1 |
└─sku | string | sku | v1 |
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└─weightUnit | string | 重量单位(kg, g ...) | v1 |
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└─paymentMethod | string | 支付方式 | v1 |
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└─name | string | 物流方案名称 | v1 |
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string | 邮箱 | v1 | |
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└─lastName | string | 收货人姓 | v1 |
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string | 邮箱 | v1 | |
└─area | string | 区域 | v1 |
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string | 客户邮箱 | v1 | |
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└─lastName | string | 姓 | v1 |
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└─phone | string | 客户手机号码 | v1 |
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└─updatedAt | string | 修改时间 | v1 |
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URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{id}/refund
Type: POST
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: 订单退款
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
id | number | 订单id | true | v1 |
curl -X POST -i /openapi/v1/orders/328/refund
Field | Type | Description | Since |
code | number | code | v1 |
errorCode | number | errorCode | v1 |
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"msg": "请求成功",
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URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{id}
Type: PUT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Description: 更新订单
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Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
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└─lastName | string | 姓 | false | v1 |
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└─customerDeletedAt | string | 客户删除订单时间 | v1 |
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└─lineItemDiscountTotal | string | 商品折扣 | v1 |
└─customerNote | string | 客户备注 | v1 |
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string | 邮箱 | v1 | |
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string | 邮箱 | v1 | |
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URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments
Type: GET
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: 运单列表
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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/
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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{id}
Type: GET
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: 顾客详情
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
id | int64 | No comments found. | true | - |
curl -X GET -k -i /openapi/v1/customers/570
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└─name | string | 姓名 | v1 |
string | 邮箱 | v1 | |
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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/count
Type: GET
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: 顾客数量
curl -X GET -k -i /openapi/v1/customers/count
Field | Type | Description | Since |
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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{customerId}/addresses
Type: POST
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Description: 添加顾客地址
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
customerId | int64 | No comments found. | true | - |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
firstName | string | 名 | false | v1 |
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string | 邮箱 | true | v1 | |
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phoneAreaCode | string | 手机区号 | false | v1 |
zip | string | 邮编 | false | v1 |
defaultFlag | boolean | 是否默认地址 | true | v1 |
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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{customerId}/addresses/{addressId}
Type: PUT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Description: 更新顾客地址
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customerId | int64 | 顾客Id. | true | - |
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Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
firstName | string | 名 | false | v1 |
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string | 邮箱 | true | v1 | |
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phone | string | 手机 | false | v1 |
phoneAreaCode | string | 手机区号 | false | v1 |
zip | string | 邮编 | false | v1 |
defaultFlag | boolean | 是否默认地址 | true | v1 |
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└─name | string | 姓名 | v1 |
string | 邮箱 | v1 | |
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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{customerId}/addresses/{addressId}
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: 删除顾客地址
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
customerId | int64 | 顾客Id. | true | - |
addressId | int64 | 地址Id. | true | - |
curl -X DELETE -k -i /openapi/v1/customers/249/addresses/755
Field | Type | Description | Since |
code | int32 | code | v1 |
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"code": 0,
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"msg": "请求成功",
"data": true
URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{customerId}/addresses/{addressId}/default
Type: PUT
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: 设置顾客默认地址
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
customerId | int64 | No comments found. | true | - |
addressId | int64 | No comments found. | true | - |
curl -X PUT -k -i /openapi/v1/customers/833/addresses/156/default
Field | Type | Description | Since |
code | int32 | code | v1 |
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"code": 0,
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"msg": "请求成功",
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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{customerId}/addresses
Type: GET
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: 顾客地址列表
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
customerId | int64 | No comments found. | true | - |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
pageNo | int32 | 页码,从1开始 | true | v1 |
pageSize | int32 | 每页显示条数 default: 10, maximum: 200 | true | v1 |
curl -X GET -k -i /openapi/v1/customers/351/addresses?pageSize=10&pageNo=817
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└─name | string | 姓名 | v1 |
string | 邮箱 | v1 | |
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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{customerId}/addresses/{addressId}
Type: GET
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: 顾客地址详情
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
customerId | int64 | No comments found. | true | - |
addressId | int64 | No comments found. | true | - |
curl -X GET -k -i /openapi/v1/customers/510/addresses/137
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└─name | string | 姓名 | v1 |
string | 邮箱 | v1 | |
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URL: /openapi/v1/shop/
Type: GET
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: 店铺信息
curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/shop/
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"code": 0,
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"data": {
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curl -X GET -k -i /openapi/v1/script/tags/122
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curl -X GET -k -H 'Access-Token' -i /openapi/v1/script/tags/count
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webhook通知会包含HTTP headers和JSON格式数据。以orders/create
- X-Shoptop-Topic:
- X-Shoptop-Hmac-Sha256:
- X-Shoptop-Shop-Domain:
- X-Shoptop-Api-Version:
表明了使用的webhook API版本。
Events | Topics | Response Example |
Collection | collections/create, collections/update |
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collections/delete | { "collection": { "id": "0097cfc8-6ec3-40ed-ab9f-6f2231b705a6" } } |
Product | products/create, products/update |
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products/delete | { "product": { "id": "0097cfc8-6ec3-40ed-ab9f-6f2231b705a6" } } |
Order | orders/cancelled, orders/create, orders/fulfilled, orders/finished, orders/paid, orders/partially_fulfilled, orders/refunded, orders/update |
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orders/delete | { "order": { "id": "0097cfc8-6ec3-40ed-ab9f-6f2231b705a6" } } |
Fulfillment | fulfillments/create, fulfillments/update |
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Customer | customers/create, customers/update |
{ "customer": { "id": "1dfa86e9-f3f4-4684-8eb6-05399ef19705", "first_name": "Lee", "last_name": "Le", "name": "Lee Le", "email": "person207@example.com", "phone": "15323233434", "phone_area_code": "+86", "accepts_marketing": false, "orders_count": 10, "total_spent": "100.10", "tags": "", "created_at": "2018-10-23T15:29:24-04:00", "updated_at": "2018-10-23T15:29:24-04:00", "default_address": { "id": "2ffa86e9-f3f4-4684-84b6-05399ef19709", "customer_id": "1dfa86e9-f3f4-4684-8eb6-05399ef19705", "first_name": null, "last_name": null, "company": null, "address1": "Chestnut Street 92", "address2": "", "city": "Louisville", "province": "Kentucky", "country": "United States", "zip": "40202", "phone": "555-625-1199", "phone_area_code": "+86", "name": "", "province_code": "KY", "country_code": "US", "country_name": "United States", "default": true }, "addresses": [{ "id": "2ffa86e9-f3f4-4684-84b6-05399ef19709", "customer_id": "1dfa86e9-f3f4-4684-8eb6-05399ef19705", "first_name": null, "last_name": null, "company": null, "address1": "Chestnut Street 92", "address2": "", "city": "Louisville", "province": "Kentucky", "country": "United States", "zip": "40202", "phone": "555-625-1199", "phone_area_code": "+86", "name": "", "province_code": "KY", "country_code": "US", "country_name": "United States", "default": true }] } } ` |
customers/delete | { "customer": { "id": "0097cfc8-6ec3-40ed-ab9f-6f2231b705a6" } } |
Webhook API
URL: /openapi/v1/webhooks/
Type: GET
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: webhook列表
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
pageNo | number | 页码,从1开始 | true | v1 |
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id | number | 主键ID | false | v1 |
address | string | webhook通知地址 | false | v1 |
topic | string | 订阅事件名称 | false | v1 |
createTimeBegin | string | 创建时间Begin | false | v1 |
createTimeEnd | string | 创建时间End | false | v1 |
updateTimeBegin | string | 更新时间Begin | false | v1 |
updateTimeEnd | string | 更新时间End | false | v1 |
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└─topic | string | 订阅事件名称 | v1 |
└─createTime | string | 订阅时间 | v1 |
└─updateTime | string | 更新时间 | v1 |
└─total | number | 总量 | v1 |
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URL: /openapi/v1/webhooks/count
Type: GET
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: webhook数量
curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/webhooks/count
Field | Type | Description | Since |
code | number | code | v1 |
errorCode | number | errorCode | v1 |
msg | string | message | v1 |
data | object | data | v1 |
└─count | number | 数量 | v1 |
"code": 0,
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"count": "1"
URL: /openapi/v1/webhooks/{id}
Type: GET
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: webhook详情
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
id | number | id | true | v1 |
curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/webhooks/132
Field | Type | Description | Since |
code | number | code | v1 |
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└─createTime | string | 订阅时间 | v1 |
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URL: /openapi/v1/webhooks/
Type: POST
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Description: 创建webhook
Header | Type | Description | Required | Since |
Access-Token | string | 访问token | true | v1 |
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
address | string | webhook通知地址 | false | v1 |
topic | string | 订阅的事件主题 | false | v1 |
curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'Access-Token' -i /openapi/v1/webhooks/ --data '{
Field | Type | Description | Since |
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URL: /openapi/v1/webhooks/
Type: PUT
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Description: 更新webhook
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
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curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/webhooks/ --data '{
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Field | Type | Description | Since |
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URL: /openapi/v1/webhooks/{id}
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8
Description: 删除webhook
Parameter | Type | Description | Required | Since |
id | number | id | true | v1 |
curl -X DELETE -i /openapi/v1/webhooks/749
Field | Type | Description | Since |
code | number | code | v1 |
errorCode | number | errorCode | v1 |
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"code": 0,
"errorCode": 0,
"msg": "请求成功",
"data": {
Code | Type | Description |
0 | string | success |
1 | string | failed |
200 | string | ok |
400 | string | Bad Request |
401 | string | Unauthorized |
403 | string | Forbidden |
404 | string | Not Found |
415 | string | Unsupported Media Type |
429 | string | Too many requests |
500 | string | Internal Server Error |
502 | string | Bad Gateway |
503 | string | Service Unavailable |