



  • 商户自身开放人员
  • 第三方开发人员


  • 所有API均需遵守Shoptop API许可和使用条款
  • 所有API均受速率限制
  • 所有API都要求开发人员进行身份验证
  • 所有API已版本化




您的插件需要获得Client ID和Client Secret,以便在授权过程中用于表明您的身份。 请通过邮件(support@shoptop.com)联系Shoptop的开发以获取Client ID和Client Secret,在这个过程中,你需要提供App的基本信息以及两个接口的地址(Oauth触发接口 app_uri和Oauth回调接口 redirect_uri),如下:


  • 公司业务简介(请附上官网地址)

Public APP基础信息

  1. 授权触发地址(app_uri),回调地址(redirect_uri)
  2. APP图标(尺寸 150x150,PNG格式)
  3. 接口人的邮箱地址
  4. APP中英文名称
  5. APP的中英文简要描述
  6. APP权限:店铺信息、顾客、订单、商品 (具体见开发者文档)etc.


开发者在开发第三方插件的时候会需要申请店铺的使用权,每次申请的期限不能超过60天,用于测试自己开发的插件功能。 开发者需要提供以下信息,并发邮件(support@shoptop.com)给Shoptop的开发申请权限。

  1. 店铺ID
  2. 时长(单位天)
  3. 申请的目的
  4. 插件名称






  • OAuth
  • Access-Token验证


  • 公共插件使用OAuth
  • 私有插件使用Access-Token验证



公共插件必须使用OAuth 2.0规范进行身份验证,才能使用Shoptop的API资源



名称 描述
插件 与平台对接的任何应用统称为插件。
客户端 想要访问商家数据的任何插件。
API Shoptop提供的 API,客户端 可以使用 API 读取和修改店铺数据。
用户 Shoptop 的账户持有人,通常是商家。用户 授权 客户端 通过 API 访问店铺数据。


Shoptop使用OAuth 2.0的授权代码授予流程代表用户发放访问令牌。

  1. 用户请求安装该插件。
  2. 该插件重定向到Shoptop并加载OAuth授权页面和插件的访问范围。
  3. 用户同意授权并重定向到插件的 redirect_uri。
  4. 插件发出包括clientId,clientSecret和code的请求到Shoptop
  5. Shoptop返回token
  6. 该插件使用token向Shoptop发出API请求。
  7. Shoptop返回请求的数据


您需要获得Client ID和Client Secret,以便在授权过程中用于表明您的身份。 获取客户端资格:请联系Shoptop的开发以获取Client ID和Client Secret,在这个过程中,你需要提供App的基本信息以及两个接口的地址(Oauth 触发接口app_uri和Oauth回调接口 redirect_uri)



  • store_domain:商家店铺域名
  • clientId:应用的客户端ID
  • scope:空格分隔的scope列表替换它。 例如,要编写订单和读取顾客信息,请使用scope=write_order read_customer(scope之间以空格分开,查看全部scope列表)
  • redirectUri: 您在授权客户端后重定向到应用的URL (如http://example.com/some/redirectUri)
  • responseType:此请求下的值为code




在继续接下来的流程之前,请确保您的插件执行了以下安全检查。 如果检查失败,您的插件须拒绝该请求并返回错误

  • 校验hmac字段,确认其值正确(Hmac生成算法)
  • 该hmac是有效的。HMAC由Shoptop签名
  • 该shop参数是有效的主机名,如store.ishoptop.com

如果所有安全检查均通过,则可以通过向商店的accessToken端点发送POST请求,用授权 code 交换为一个维持时间一年的accessToken和不过期的refreshToken

POST https://{store_domain}/api/org/oauth/token


  • clientId:插件的客户端ID
  • clientSecret:插件的客户端安全秘钥
  • code:回调地址中提供的授权code
  • grantType:授权方式,该请求下的值为authorization_code
  • redirectUri:应用的回调地址


  "tokenType": "Bearer",
  "expiresAt": 1550546245,
  "accessToken": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJh",
  "refreshToken": "def502003d28ba08a964e",
  "shopId": "2",
  "shopName": "xiong1889"
  • tokenType:返回Bearer
  • expiresAt:访问密钥过期时间
  • accessToken:访问密钥
  • refreshToken:更新密钥,用于更新密钥
  • shopId:店铺id
  • shopName:用户名,通常是店家域名

accessToken 失效之后,请使用下面的请求完成更新accessToken的操作(您必须保存更新之后的refreshToken已方便再次进行更新)

POST https://{store_domain}/api/org/oauth/refreshToken


  • clientId:插件的客户端ID
  • clientSecret:插件的客户端安全秘钥
  • refreshToken: 保存在您插件中的refreshToken值
  • grantType:授权方式,该请求下的值为refresh_token
  • redirectUri:插件的回调地址

第四步:调用 API

客户端获得API访问token后,便可以向RESTful API发出经过身份验证的请求。这些请求 Headers 必须带有 Access-Token: {accessToken}


curl --request GET \
     --url https://{store_domain}/openapi/v1/orders \
     --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8' \
     --header 'Access-Token: B_x-_5aVeXNwI-4AB98s5xLIvgv0fNzGf_MuTpqtIBA'




  • read_product, write_product
  • read_order, write_order
  • read_collection, write_collection
  • read_shop
  • read_comments, write_comments
  • read_script_tags, write_script_tags
  • read_customer, write_customer
  • read_app_proxy, write_app_proxy
  • read_price_rules, write_price_rules
  • read_data, write_data


public static String HMACSHA256(String data, String key) throws Exception {
    Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
    SecretKeySpec secret_key = new SecretKeySpec(key.getBytes("UTF-8"), "HmacSHA256");
    byte[] array = sha256_HMAC.doFinal(data.getBytes("UTF-8"));
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    for (byte item : array) {
        sb.append(Integer.toHexString((item & 0xFF) | 0x100).substring(1, 3));
    return sb.toString().toUpperCase();


每个webhook请求都会带有一个通过base64加密的X-Shoptop-Hmac-Sha256请求头。X-Shoptop-Hmac-Sha256的值是使用插件的Client Secret和请求中带有的参数生成的。如果需要验证请求是来自Shoptop,可以按照SDK中的算法计算出HMAC值,并和请求头中的X-Shoptop-Hmac-Sha256值进行比较,如果相同,则可以确认请求来自Shoptop。通过Hmac算法,使用请求中的数据和Client Secret计算出hmac值,再经过Base64处理,即可得到HMAC值。






Shoptop-OpenAPI V1




URL: /openapi/v1/orders/

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 订单列表


Parameter Type Description Required Since
pageNo number 页码,从1开始 true v1
pageSize number 每页显示条数 default: 10, maximum: 200 true v1
ids string id1, id2 订单id串, 用英文逗号分隔 false v1
status string 订单状态 opened(未完成),placed(进行中),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) false v1
financialStatus string 订单支付状态 waiting(待支付),paying(支付中),paid(已支付),cancelled(已取消),failed(失败),refunding(退款中),refund_failed(退款失败),refunded(已退款), partially_refunded(部分退款) false v1
fulfillmentStatus string 订单物流状态 initialled(空),waiting(待发货),partially_shipped(部分发货),shipped(已发货),partially_finished(部分完成),finished(已完成), cancelled(取消) false v1
timeType string 时间类型 created(创建时间),updated(修改时间),placed(订单支付时间) false v1
startTime string 起始时间 (yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) false v1
endTime string 结束时间(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) false v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/orders/?ids=qtz26v&financialStatus=osawf4&fulfillmentStatus=a5untx&timeType=bi4myb&endTime=2021-08-12 09:29:37&status=yyz5tj&pageSize=10&startTime=2021-08-12 09:29:37&pageNo=546


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data array data v1
└─orderNo string 订单编号 v1
└─id number id v1
└─totalPrice string 总价 v1
└─subTotal string 小计金额 v1
└─currency string 货币类型 v1
└─financialStatus string 订单支付状态waiting(待支付),paying(支付中),paid(已支付),cancelled(已取消),failed(失败),refunding(退款中),refund_failed(退款失败),refunded(已退款),partially_refunded(部分退款) v1
└─orderStatus string 订单状态 opened(未完成),placed(进行中),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) v1
└─canceledAt string 订单取消时间 v1
└─cancelReason string 订单取消原因 v1
└─orderNote string 订单备注 v1
└─fulfillmentStatus string 物流状态 initialled(空),waiting(待发货),partially_shipped(部分发货),shipped(已发货),partially_finished(部分完成),finished(已完成), cancelled(取消),returning(退货中),returned(已退货) v1
└─customerDeletedAt string 客户删除订单时间 v1
└─placedAt string 订单确认时间 v1
└─tags string 订单标签 v1
└─discountCode string 订单优惠码 v1
└─codeDiscountTotal string 订单优惠码优惠价格 v1
└─lineItemDiscountTotal string 商品折扣 v1
└─customerNote string 客户备注 v1
└─totalDiscount string 订单折扣 v1
└─totalTax string 总税费 v1
└─totalShipping string 运费 v1
└─createdAt string 创建时间 v1
└─updatedAt string 更新时间 v1
└─lineItems array 订单商品 v1
     └─productTitle string 商品标题 v1
     └─variantTitle string 子商品标题 v1
     └─quantity number 商品数量 v1
     └─note string 备注 v1
     └─image string 商品图片 v1
     └─price string 商品售价 v1
     └─compareAtPrice string 商品原价 v1
     └─total string 总价 v1
     └─sku string sku v1
     └─weight string 重量 v1
     └─weightUnit string 重量单位(kg, g ...) v1
     └─vendor string 商品供应商 v1
     └─properties string 商品属性 v1
     └─productUrl string 商品url v1
     └─productHandle string 商品handle v1
     └─id number id v1
     └─productId string 商品id v1
     └─variantId string 子商品id v1
     └─fulfillmentStatus string 运单状态 v1
└─paymentLine object 支付方式 v1
     └─paymentChannel string 支付渠道 v1
     └─paymentMethod string 支付方式 v1
     └─transactionNo string 交易号 v1
     └─merchantId string 收款账户ID v1
     └─merchantEmail string 收款账户Email v1
└─shippingLine object 运费方案 v1
     └─name string 物流方案名称 v1
└─billingAddress object 账单地址 v1
     └─firstName string 收货人名 v1
     └─lastName string 收货人姓 v1
     └─address1 string 街道 v1
     └─address2 string 寓所 v1
     └─city string 城市 v1
     └─zip string 邮编 v1
     └─province string 省份 v1
     └─country string 国家 v1
     └─company string 公司 v1
     └─latitude string 纬度 v1
     └─longitude string 经度 v1
     └─name string 姓名 v1
     └─countryCode string 国家代码 v1
     └─provinceCode string 省份代码 v1
     └─phoneAreaCode string 手机区号 v1
     └─email string 邮箱 v1
     └─area string 区域 v1
└─shippingAddress object 物流地址 v1
     └─firstName string 收货人名 v1
     └─lastName string 收货人姓 v1
     └─address1 string 街道 v1
     └─address2 string 寓所 v1
     └─phone string 手机号码 v1
     └─city string 城市 v1
     └─zip string 邮编 v1
     └─province string 省份 v1
     └─country string 国家 v1
     └─company string 公司 v1
     └─latitude string 纬度 v1
     └─longitude string 经度 v1
     └─name string 收货人姓名 v1
     └─countryCode string 国家代码 v1
     └─provinceCode string 省份代码 v1
     └─phoneAreaCode string 手机区号 v1
     └─email string 邮箱 v1
     └─area string 区域 v1
     └─extraInfo string 特殊物流字段 v1
└─fulfillments array 运单信息 v1
     └─id number id v1
     └─orderId number 订单id v1
     └─status string 运单状态 waiting(待发货),shipped(已发货),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) v1
     └─createdAt string 创建时间 v1
     └─updatedAt string 修改时间 v1
     └─trackingCompany string 物流公司 v1
     └─trackingNumber string 运单号 v1
     └─trackingCompanyCode string 物流公司编号 v1
     └─lineItems array 测试 v1
          └─productTitle string 商品标题 v1
          └─variantTitle string 子商品标题 v1
          └─quantity number 商品数量 v1
          └─note string 备注 v1
          └─image string 商品图片 v1
          └─price string 商品售价 v1
          └─compareAtPrice string 商品原价 v1
          └─total string 总价 v1
          └─sku string sku v1
          └─weight string 重量 v1
          └─weightUnit string 重量单位(kg, g ...) v1
          └─vendor string 商品供应商 v1
          └─properties string 商品属性 v1
          └─productUrl string 商品url v1
          └─productHandle string 商品handle v1
          └─id number id v1
          └─productId string 商品id v1
          └─variantId string 子商品id v1
          └─fulfillmentStatus string 运单状态 v1
└─customer object 顾客信息 v1
     └─email string 客户邮箱 v1
     └─firstName string v1
     └─lastName string v1
     └─ordersCount string 客户下单数 v1
     └─totalSpent string 顾客消费总额 v1
     └─phone string 客户手机号码 v1
     └─createdAt string 创建时间 v1
     └─updatedAt string 修改时间 v1


    "code": 0,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "msg": "请求成功",
    "data": [
            "orderNo": "SVZ6191264",
            "id": "1376883403227529217",
            "totalPrice": "10.00",
            "subTotal": "11.00",
            "currency": "USD",
            "financialStatus": "waiting",
            "orderStatus": "opened",
            "canceledAt": null,
            "cancelReason": null,
            "orderNote": null,
            "fulfillmentStatus": "initialled",
            "customerDeletedAt": null,
            "placedAt": null,
            "tags": null,
            "discountCode": "KR88M4D7",
            "codeDiscountTotal": "1.00",
            "lineItemDiscountTotal": null,
            "customerNote": "",
            "totalDiscount": "1.00",
            "totalTax": "0.00",
            "totalShipping": "0.00",
            "createdAt": "2021-03-30 21:05:59",
            "updatedAt": "2021-03-31 09:15:39",
            "lineItems": [
                    "productTitle": "4444",
                    "variantTitle": "4444",
                    "quantity": 11,
                    "note": null,
                    "image": "https://cdn.shoptop.com/1357301923878989826.png",
                    "price": "1.00",
                    "compareAtPrice": "10.00",
                    "total": "11.00",
                    "sku": "111",
                    "weight": "1.00",
                    "weightUnit": "kg",
                    "vendor": null,
                    "properties": null,
                    "productUrl": null,
                    "productHandle": "4444",
                    "id": "1376883403403689986",
                    "productId": "1357302156562198530",
                    "variantId": "1357302156591558657",
                    "fulfillmentStatus": "waiting"
            "paymentLine": {
                "paymentChannel": "ocean",
                "paymentMethod": "credit_card",
                "transactionNo": null,
                "merchantId": null,
                "merchantEmail": null
            "shippingLine": {
                "name": "freeno"
            "billingAddress": {
                "firstName": "",
                "lastName": "23 33",
                "address1": "323",
                "address2": "3242",
                "city": "3243242",
                "zip": "3333",
                "province": "Abyan",
                "country": "Yemen",
                "company": null,
                "latitude": null,
                "longitude": null,
                "name": "23 33",
                "countryCode": "YE",
                "provinceCode": "YE-AB",
                "phoneAreaCode": null,
                "email": "123@123.com",
                "area": null
            "shippingAddress": {
                "firstName": "23 33",
                "lastName": "23 33",
                "address1": "323",
                "address2": "3242",
                "phone": "",
                "city": "3243242",
                "zip": "3333",
                "province": "Abyan",
                "country": "Yemen",
                "company": null,
                "latitude": null,
                "longitude": null,
                "name": "23 33 23 33",
                "countryCode": "YE",
                "provinceCode": "YE-AB",
                "phoneAreaCode": null,
                "email": "123@123.com",
                "area": null,
                "extraInfo": ""
            "fulfillments": null,
            "customer": {
                "email": "1234@164.com",
                "firstName": "22423",
                "lastName": "23423",
                "ordersCount": "0",
                "totalSpent": "0.00",
                "phone": null,
                "createdAt": "2021-03-30 21:05:54",
                "updatedAt": null


URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{id}

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 订单详情


Parameter Type Description Required Since
id number 订单id true v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/orders/254


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─orderNo string 订单编号 v1
└─id number id v1
└─totalPrice string 总价 v1
└─subTotal string 小计金额 v1
└─currency string 货币类型 v1
└─financialStatus string 订单支付状态waiting(待支付),paying(支付中),paid(已支付),cancelled(已取消),failed(失败),refunding(退款中),refund_failed(退款失败),refunded(已退款),partially_refunded(部分退款) v1
└─orderStatus string 订单状态 opened(未完成),placed(进行中),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) v1
└─canceledAt string 订单取消时间 v1
└─cancelReason string 订单取消原因 v1
└─orderNote string 订单备注 v1
└─fulfillmentStatus string 物流状态 initialled(空),waiting(待发货),partially_shipped(部分发货),shipped(已发货),partially_finished(部分完成),finished(已完成), cancelled(取消),returning(退货中),returned(已退货) v1
└─customerDeletedAt string 客户删除订单时间 v1
└─placedAt string 订单确认时间 v1
└─tags string 订单标签 v1
└─discountCode string 订单优惠码 v1
└─codeDiscountTotal string 订单优惠码优惠价格 v1
└─lineItemDiscountTotal string 商品折扣 v1
└─customerNote string 客户备注 v1
└─totalDiscount string 订单折扣 v1
└─totalTax string 总税费 v1
└─totalShipping string 运费 v1
└─createdAt string 创建时间 v1
└─updatedAt string 更新时间 v1
└─lineItems array 订单商品 v1
     └─productTitle string 商品标题 v1
     └─variantTitle string 子商品标题 v1
     └─quantity number 商品数量 v1
     └─note string 备注 v1
     └─image string 商品图片 v1
     └─price string 商品售价 v1
     └─compareAtPrice string 商品原价 v1
     └─total string 总价 v1
     └─sku string sku v1
     └─weight string 重量 v1
     └─weightUnit string 重量单位(kg, g ...) v1
     └─vendor string 商品供应商 v1
     └─properties string 商品属性 v1
     └─productUrl string 商品url v1
     └─productHandle string 商品handle v1
     └─id number id v1
     └─productId string 商品id v1
     └─variantId string 子商品id v1
     └─fulfillmentStatus string 运单状态 v1
└─paymentLine object 支付方式 v1
     └─paymentChannel string 支付渠道 v1
     └─paymentMethod string 支付方式 v1
     └─transactionNo string 交易号 v1
     └─merchantId string 收款账户ID v1
     └─merchantEmail string 收款账户Email v1
└─shippingLine object 运费方案 v1
     └─name string 物流方案名称 v1
└─billingAddress object 账单地址 v1
     └─firstName string 收货人名 v1
     └─lastName string 收货人姓 v1
     └─address1 string 街道 v1
     └─address2 string 寓所 v1
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     └─province string 省份 v1
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     └─provinceCode string 省份代码 v1
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     └─email string 邮箱 v1
     └─area string 区域 v1
└─shippingAddress object 物流地址 v1
     └─firstName string 收货人名 v1
     └─lastName string 收货人姓 v1
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     └─address2 string 寓所 v1
     └─phone string 手机号码 v1
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     └─province string 省份 v1
     └─country string 国家 v1
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     └─provinceCode string 省份代码 v1
     └─phoneAreaCode string 手机区号 v1
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     └─area string 区域 v1
     └─extraInfo string 特殊物流字段 v1
└─fulfillments array 运单信息 v1
     └─id number id v1
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     └─status string 运单状态 waiting(待发货),shipped(已发货),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) v1
     └─createdAt string 创建时间 v1
     └─updatedAt string 修改时间 v1
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          └─compareAtPrice string 商品原价 v1
          └─total string 总价 v1
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          └─vendor string 商品供应商 v1
          └─properties string 商品属性 v1
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          └─fulfillmentStatus string 运单状态 v1
└─customer object 顾客信息 v1
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     └─firstName string v1
     └─lastName string v1
     └─ordersCount string 客户下单数 v1
     └─totalSpent string 顾客消费总额 v1
     └─phone string 客户手机号码 v1
     └─createdAt string 创建时间 v1
     └─updatedAt string 修改时间 v1


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            "area": null
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            "phone": "",
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            "zip": "3333",
            "province": "Abyan",
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            "company": null,
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            "countryCode": "YE",
            "provinceCode": "YE-AB",
            "phoneAreaCode": null,
            "email": "123@123.com",
            "area": null,
            "extraInfo": ""
        "fulfillments": null,
        "customer": {
            "email": "1234@164.com",
            "firstName": "22423",
            "lastName": "23423",
            "ordersCount": "0",
            "totalSpent": "0.00",
            "phone": null,
            "createdAt": "2021-03-30 21:05:54",
            "updatedAt": null


URL: /openapi/v1/orders/count

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 订单数量


Parameter Type Description Required Since
status string 订单状态 opened(未完成),placed(进行中),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) false v1
financialStatus string 订单支付状态 waiting(待支付),paying(支付中),paid(已支付),cancelled(已取消),failed(失败),refunding(退款中),refund_failed(退款失败),refunded(已退款), partially_refunded(部分退款) false v1
fulfillmentStatus string 订单物流状态 initialled(空),waiting(待发货),partially_shipped(部分发货),shipped(已发货),partially_finished(部分完成),finished(已完成), cancelled(取消) false v1
timeType string 时间类型 created(创建时间),updated(修改时间) false v1
startTime string 起始时间(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) false v1
endTime string 结束时间(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) false v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/orders/count?timeType=x4cpcv&financialStatus=sul8my&endTime=2021-08-12 09:29:37&fulfillmentStatus=aevb0j&status=ikjfdb&startTime=2021-08-12 09:29:37


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─count number 数量 v1


    "code": 0,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "msg": "请求成功",
    "data": {
        "count": "6"


URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{id}/cancel

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 取消订单


Parameter Type Description Required Since
id number 订单id true v1


Parameter Type Description Required Since
reason string 取消原因 false v1


curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/orders/264/cancel --data '{
    "reason": "6k7d95"


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─orderNo string 订单编号 v1
└─id number id v1
└─totalPrice string 总价 v1
└─subTotal string 小计金额 v1
└─currency string 货币类型 v1
└─financialStatus string 订单支付状态waiting(待支付),paying(支付中),paid(已支付),cancelled(已取消),failed(失败),refunding(退款中),refund_failed(退款失败),refunded(已退款),partially_refunded(部分退款) v1
└─orderStatus string 订单状态 opened(未完成),placed(进行中),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) v1
└─canceledAt string 订单取消时间 v1
└─cancelReason string 订单取消原因 v1
└─orderNote string 订单备注 v1
└─fulfillmentStatus string 物流状态 initialled(空),waiting(待发货),partially_shipped(部分发货),shipped(已发货),partially_finished(部分完成),finished(已完成), cancelled(取消),returning(退货中),returned(已退货) v1
└─customerDeletedAt string 客户删除订单时间 v1
└─placedAt string 订单确认时间 v1
└─tags string 订单标签 v1
└─discountCode string 订单优惠码 v1
└─codeDiscountTotal string 订单优惠码优惠价格 v1
└─lineItemDiscountTotal string 商品折扣 v1
└─customerNote string 客户备注 v1
└─totalDiscount string 订单折扣 v1
└─totalTax string 总税费 v1
└─totalShipping string 运费 v1
└─createdAt string 创建时间 v1
└─updatedAt string 更新时间 v1
└─lineItems array 订单商品 v1
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     └─variantTitle string 子商品标题 v1
     └─quantity number 商品数量 v1
     └─note string 备注 v1
     └─image string 商品图片 v1
     └─price string 商品售价 v1
     └─compareAtPrice string 商品原价 v1
     └─total string 总价 v1
     └─sku string sku v1
     └─weight string 重量 v1
     └─weightUnit string 重量单位(kg, g ...) v1
     └─vendor string 商品供应商 v1
     └─properties string 商品属性 v1
     └─productUrl string 商品url v1
     └─productHandle string 商品handle v1
     └─id number id v1
     └─productId string 商品id v1
     └─variantId string 子商品id v1
     └─fulfillmentStatus string 运单状态 v1
└─paymentLine object 支付方式 v1
     └─paymentChannel string 支付渠道 v1
     └─paymentMethod string 支付方式 v1
     └─transactionNo string 交易号 v1
     └─merchantId string 收款账户ID v1
     └─merchantEmail string 收款账户Email v1
└─shippingLine object 运费方案 v1
     └─name string 物流方案名称 v1
└─billingAddress object 账单地址 v1
     └─firstName string 收货人名 v1
     └─lastName string 收货人姓 v1
     └─address1 string 街道 v1
     └─address2 string 寓所 v1
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     └─area string 区域 v1
└─shippingAddress object 物流地址 v1
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     └─lastName string 收货人姓 v1
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     └─address2 string 寓所 v1
     └─phone string 手机号码 v1
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     └─zip string 邮编 v1
     └─province string 省份 v1
     └─country string 国家 v1
     └─company string 公司 v1
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     └─longitude string 经度 v1
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     └─countryCode string 国家代码 v1
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     └─email string 邮箱 v1
     └─area string 区域 v1
     └─extraInfo string 特殊物流字段 v1
└─fulfillments array 运单信息 v1
     └─id number id v1
     └─orderId number 订单id v1
     └─status string 运单状态 waiting(待发货),shipped(已发货),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) v1
     └─createdAt string 创建时间 v1
     └─updatedAt string 修改时间 v1
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     └─trackingNumber string 运单号 v1
     └─trackingCompanyCode string 物流公司编号 v1
     └─lineItems array 测试 v1
          └─productTitle string 商品标题 v1
          └─variantTitle string 子商品标题 v1
          └─quantity number 商品数量 v1
          └─note string 备注 v1
          └─image string 商品图片 v1
          └─price string 商品售价 v1
          └─compareAtPrice string 商品原价 v1
          └─total string 总价 v1
          └─sku string sku v1
          └─weight string 重量 v1
          └─weightUnit string 重量单位(kg, g ...) v1
          └─vendor string 商品供应商 v1
          └─properties string 商品属性 v1
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          └─id number id v1
          └─productId string 商品id v1
          └─variantId string 子商品id v1
          └─fulfillmentStatus string 运单状态 v1
└─customer object 顾客信息 v1
     └─email string 客户邮箱 v1
     └─firstName string v1
     └─lastName string v1
     └─ordersCount string 客户下单数 v1
     └─totalSpent string 顾客消费总额 v1
     └─phone string 客户手机号码 v1
     └─createdAt string 创建时间 v1
     └─updatedAt string 修改时间 v1


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    "errorCode": 0,
    "msg": "请求成功",
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        "tags": null,
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        "lineItemDiscountTotal": null,
        "customerNote": "",
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        "createdAt": "2021-03-30 21:05:59",
        "updatedAt": "2021-03-31 09:15:39",
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                "properties": null,
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            "name": "23 33",
            "countryCode": "YE",
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            "area": null
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            "area": null,
            "extraInfo": ""
        "fulfillments": null,
        "customer": {
            "email": "1234@164.com",
            "firstName": "22423",
            "lastName": "23423",
            "ordersCount": "0",
            "totalSpent": "0.00",
            "phone": null,
            "createdAt": "2021-03-30 21:05:54",
            "updatedAt": null


URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{id}/refund

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 订单退款


Parameter Type Description Required Since
id number 订单id true v1


curl -X POST -i /openapi/v1/orders/328/refund


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1


    "code": 201,
    "errorCode": 688,
    "msg": "请求成功",
    "data": true


URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{id}

Type: PUT

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 更新订单


Parameter Type Description Required Since
id number 订单id true v1


Parameter Type Description Required Since
note string 订单备注 false v1
tags string 订单标签, 英文逗号分隔 false v1
shippingAddress object 物流地址 false v1
└─firstName string false v1
└─lastName string false v1
└─email string 邮箱 false v1
└─phone string 电话 false v1
└─country string 国家 false v1
└─countryCode string 国家编号 false v1
└─province string 省份 false v1
└─provinceCode string 省份编号 false v1
└─area string 区域 false v1
└─city string 城市 false v1
└─address1 string 街道 false v1
└─address2 string 寓所 false v1
└─company string 公司 false v1
└─latitude string 纬度 false v1
└─longitude string 经度 false v1
└─phoneAreaCode string 手机区号 false v1
└─zip string 邮编 false v1


curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/orders/397 --data '{
    "note": "812yhn",
    "tags": "87wycy",
    "shippingAddress":  {
            "firstName": "23 33",
            "lastName": "23 33",
            "address1": "323",
            "address2": "3242",
            "phone": "",
            "city": "3243242",
            "zip": "3333",
            "province": "Abyan",
            "country": "Yemen",
            "company": null,
            "latitude": null,
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            "name": "23 33 23 33",
            "countryCode": "YE",
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            "email": "123@123.com",
            "area": null,
            "extraInfo": ""


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─orderNo string 订单编号 v1
└─id number id v1
└─totalPrice string 总价 v1
└─subTotal string 小计金额 v1
└─currency string 货币类型 v1
└─financialStatus string 订单支付状态waiting(待支付),paying(支付中),paid(已支付),cancelled(已取消),failed(失败),refunding(退款中),refund_failed(退款失败),refunded(已退款),partially_refunded(部分退款) v1
└─orderStatus string 订单状态 opened(未完成),placed(进行中),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) v1
└─canceledAt string 订单取消时间 v1
└─cancelReason string 订单取消原因 v1
└─orderNote string 订单备注 v1
└─fulfillmentStatus string 物流状态 initialled(空),waiting(待发货),partially_shipped(部分发货),shipped(已发货),partially_finished(部分完成),finished(已完成), cancelled(取消),returning(退货中),returned(已退货) v1
└─customerDeletedAt string 客户删除订单时间 v1
└─placedAt string 订单确认时间 v1
└─tags string 订单标签 v1
└─discountCode string 订单优惠码 v1
└─codeDiscountTotal string 订单优惠码优惠价格 v1
└─lineItemDiscountTotal string 商品折扣 v1
└─customerNote string 客户备注 v1
└─totalDiscount string 订单折扣 v1
└─totalTax string 总税费 v1
└─totalShipping string 运费 v1
└─createdAt string 创建时间 v1
└─updatedAt string 更新时间 v1
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└─shippingLine object 运费方案 v1
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└─billingAddress object 账单地址 v1
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└─customer object 顾客信息 v1
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URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 运单列表


Parameter Type Description Required Since
orderId number 订单id true v1


Parameter Type Description Required Since
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pageSize number 每页显示条数 default: 10, maximum: 200 true v1
timeType string 时间类型 created(创建时间),updated(修改时间) false v1
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endTime string 结束时间(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) false v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/orders/439/fulfillments?startTime=2021-08-12 09:29:37&pageSize=10&timeType=hyb7os&endTime=2021-08-12 09:29:37&pageNo=334


Field Type Description Since
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URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments/count

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 运单数量


Parameter Type Description Required Since
orderId number 订单id true v1


Parameter Type Description Required Since
timeType string 时间类型 created(创建时间),updated(修改时间) false v1
startTime string 起始时间(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) false v1
endTime string 结束时间(yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss) false v1


curl -X GET -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/orders/235/fulfillments/count --data '{
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    "startTime": "2021-08-12 09:29:37",
    "endTime": "2021-08-12 09:29:37"


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─count number 数量 v1


    "code": 0,
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URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments/{fulfillmentId}

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 运单详情


Parameter Type Description Required Since
orderId number 订单id true v1
fulfillmentId number 运单id true v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/orders/430/fulfillments/904


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
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URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 创建运单


Parameter Type Description Required Since
orderId number 订单id true v1


Parameter Type Description Required Since
lineItemIds string id1,id2 运单包含的line Item Id true v1
trackingNumber string 运单号 true v1
trackingCompany string 物流公司名称 true v1
trackingCompanyCode string 物流公司代码 true v1


curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/orders/768/fulfillments --data '{
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Field Type Description Since
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URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments/{fulfillmentId}

Type: PUT

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 更新运单


Parameter Type Description Required Since
orderId number 订单id true v1
fulfillmentId number 运单id true v1


Parameter Type Description Required Since
trackingNumber string 运单号 true v1
trackingCompany string 物流公司名称 true v1
trackingCompanyCode string 物流公司代码 true v1


curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/orders/250/fulfillments/704 --data '{
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Field Type Description Since
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URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments/{fulfillmentId}/complete

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 完成运单


Parameter Type Description Required Since
orderId number 订单id true v1
fulfillmentId number 运单id true v1


curl -X POST -i /openapi/v1/orders/878/fulfillments/261/complete


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─id number id v1
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└─status string 运单状态 waiting(待发货),shipped(已发货),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) v1
└─createdAt string 创建时间 v1
└─updatedAt string 修改时间 v1
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URL: /openapi/v1/orders/{orderId}/fulfillments/{fulfillmentId}/cancel

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 取消运单


Parameter Type Description Required Since
orderId number 订单id true v1
fulfillmentId number 运单id true v1


curl -X POST -i /openapi/v1/orders/63/fulfillments/442/cancel


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─id number id v1
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└─status string 运单状态 waiting(待发货),shipped(已发货),finished(已完成),cancelled(已取消) v1
└─createdAt string 创建时间 v1
└─updatedAt string 修改时间 v1
└─trackingCompany string 物流公司 v1
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└─trackingCompanyCode string 物流公司编号 v1
└─lineItems array 测试 v1
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                "fulfillmentStatus": "shipped"




URL: /openapi/v1/products/

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 商品列表


Parameter Type Description Required Since
pageNo number 页码,从1开始 true v1
pageSize number 每页显示条数 default: 10, maximum: 200 true v1
published number 商品是否已发布,0:未发布,1:已发布,2:全部 false v1
keyword string 搜索关键词 false v1
shopId number 店铺id false v1
beginCreateTime string 创建时间开始时间 false v1
endCreateTime string 创建时间结束时间 false v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/products/?endCreateTime=2021-08-12 09:29:38&published=144&shopId=497&pageSize=10&pageNo=856&keyword=ezt65m&beginCreateTime=2021-08-12 09:29:38


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data array data v1
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└─published number 是否上架,1:已上架,0:已下架 v1
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└─isSingleSku number 是否单一款式 v1
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└─goodsTags array 商品标签 v1


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URL: /openapi/v1/products/count

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 商品数量


Parameter Type Description Required Since
published number 商品是否已发布,0:未发布,1:已发布,2:全部 false v1
keyword string 搜索关键词 false v1
shopId number 店铺id false v1
beginCreateTime string 创建时间开始时间 false v1
endCreateTime string 创建时间结束时间 false v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/products/count?keyword=xb6f9y&shopId=205&endCreateTime=2021-08-12 09:29:38&published=220&beginCreateTime=2021-08-12 09:29:38


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─count number 数量 v1


    "code": 0,
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URL: /openapi/v1/products/{spuId}

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 商品详情


Parameter Type Description Required Since
spuId number 商品id true v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/products/2b3d272d-12b5-4133-bbb0-5e43e748c730


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
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└─published number 是否上架,1:已上架,0:已下架 v1
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└─goodsDescription string 商品描述 v1
└─isFreeShipping number 是否免运费(0不免运费,1免运费) v1
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└─goodsTags array 商品标签 v1


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URL: /openapi/v1/products/

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 创建商品


Parameter Type Description Required Since
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inventoryPolicy number 跟踪库存策略,1:库存为0时不允许购买,2:库存为0时允许购买,3:库存为0时自动下架 false v1
needVariantImage number sku款式是否需要配图,1:需要,0:不需要 false v1
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goodsTags array 商品标签 false v1
isSingleSku number 是否单一款式 false v1
inventoryQuantity number 库存数量 false v1


curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/products/ --data '{
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Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
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URL: /openapi/v1/products/{spuId}


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 删除商品


Parameter Type Description Required Since
spuId number 商品id true v1


curl -X DELETE -i /openapi/v1/products/2b3d272d-12b5-4133-bbb0-5e43e748c730


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
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URL: /openapi/v1/products/

Type: PUT

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 更新商品


Parameter Type Description Required Since
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goodsTags array 商品标签 false v1
isSingleSku number 是否单一款式 false v1
inventoryQuantity number 库存数量 false v1


curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/products/ --data '{
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URL: /openapi/v1/collections/

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 专辑列表


Parameter Type Description Required Since
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shopId number 店铺id false v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/collections/?keyword=cou2q7&shopId=150&pageSize=10&pageNo=161


Field Type Description Since
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URL: /openapi/v1/collections/count

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 专辑数量


Parameter Type Description Required Since
keyword string 搜索关键词 false v1
shopId number 店铺id false v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/collections/count?shopId=321&keyword=shfn0c


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
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msg string message v1
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URL: /openapi/v1/collections/{collectionId}

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 专辑详情


Parameter Type Description Required Since
collectionId number 专辑id true v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/collections/896


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
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URL: /openapi/v1/collections/

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 创建专辑


Parameter Type Description Required Since
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collectionTitle string 标题 false v1
imageUrl string 专辑封面图片 false v1
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└─sortDirection string 根据哪个字段排序进行升序或降序排序 升序:ascend ,降序: descend false v1
spuIds array 商品专辑中的商品id false v1


curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/collections/ --data '{
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Field Type Description Since
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    "code": 0,
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URL: /openapi/v1/collections/

Type: PUT

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 编辑专辑


Parameter Type Description Required Since
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spuIds array 商品专辑中的商品id false v1


curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/collections/ --data '{
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Field Type Description Since
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URL: /openapi/v1/collections/{collectionId}


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 删除专辑


Parameter Type Description Required Since
collectionId number 专辑id true v1


curl -X DELETE -i /openapi/v1/collections/972


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
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URL: /openapi/v1/collects/

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 专辑关联列表


Parameter Type Description Required Since
pageNo number 页码,从1开始 true v1
pageSize number 每页显示条数 default: 10, maximum: 200 true v1
shopId number 店铺id false v1
spuId number 商品id false v1
collectionId number 专辑id false v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/collects/?shopId=807&spuId=2b3d272d-12b5-4133-bbb0-5e43e748c730&pageSize=10&collectionId=553&pageNo=571


Field Type Description Since
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URL: /openapi/v1/collects/count

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 专辑关联数量


Parameter Type Description Required Since
shopId number 店铺id false v1
spuId number 商品id false v1
collectionId number 专辑id false v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/collects/count?collectionId=83&shopId=767&spuId=2b3d272d-12b5-4133-bbb0-5e43e748c730


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 添加顾客


Parameter Type Description Required Since
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phoneAreaCode string 手机区号 false v1
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curl -X POST -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/customers/ --data '{
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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{id}

Type: PUT

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 更新顾客


Parameter Type Description Required Since
id int64 No comments found. true -


Parameter Type Description Required Since
email string 邮箱 true v1
firstName string false v1
lastName string false v1
phone string 手机 false v1
phoneAreaCode string 手机区号 false v1
acceptsMarketing boolean 是否订阅接受营销 false v1
password string 密码 false v1
passwordConfirmation string 确认密码 false v1
tags string 标签 false v1
address object 顾客地址 false v1
└─firstName string false v1
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└─countryCode string 国家代码 false v1
└─company string 公司 false v1
└─phone string 手机 false v1
└─phoneAreaCode string 手机区号 false v1
└─zip string 邮编 false v1
└─defaultFlag boolean 是否默认地址 true v1


curl -X PUT -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/customers/951 --data '{
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Field Type Description Since
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errorCode int32 errorCode v1
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data object data v1
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└─phone string 手机号 v1
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└─totalSpent string 消费总金额 v1
└─tags string 标签 v1
└─createdAt string 创建时间 格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss v1
└─updatedAt string 更新时间 格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss v1
└─defaultAddress object 默认地址 v1
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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 顾客列表


Parameter Type Description Required Since
pageNo int32 页码,从1开始 true v1
pageSize int32 每页显示条数 default: 10, maximum: 200 true v1
ids string ids eg:100001,100002,100003 false v1
email string 顾客邮箱 false v1
createdAtMin string 创建起始时间 格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss false v1
createdAtMax string 创建结束时间 格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss false v1
updatedAtMin string 修改起始时间 格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss false v1
updatedAtMax string 修改结束时间 格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss false v1


curl -X GET -k -i /openapi/v1/customers/?createdAtMin=2021-06-03 10:24:23&pageSize=10&createdAtMax=2021-08-03 10:24:23&email=vinnie@shoptop.com&ids=10,11&pageNo=1


Field Type Description Since
code int32 code v1
errorCode int32 errorCode v1
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data array data v1
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└─phone string 手机号 v1
└─acceptsMarketing boolean 是否订阅接受营销 v1
└─ordersCount int32 订单数量 v1
└─totalSpent string 消费总金额 v1
└─tags string 标签 v1
└─createdAt string 创建时间 格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss v1
└─updatedAt string 更新时间 格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss v1
└─defaultAddress object 默认地址 v1
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└─addresses array 地址列表 v1
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    "msg": "请求成功",
    "data": [
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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{id}

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 顾客详情


Parameter Type Description Required Since
id int64 No comments found. true -


curl -X GET -k -i /openapi/v1/customers/570


Field Type Description Since
code int32 code v1
errorCode int32 errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
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└─lastName string v1
└─name string 姓名 v1
└─email string 邮箱 v1
└─phone string 手机号 v1
└─acceptsMarketing boolean 是否订阅接受营销 v1
└─ordersCount int32 订单数量 v1
└─totalSpent string 消费总金额 v1
└─tags string 标签 v1
└─createdAt string 创建时间 格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss v1
└─updatedAt string 更新时间 格式:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss v1
└─defaultAddress object 默认地址 v1
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└─addresses array 地址列表 v1
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     └─zip string 邮编 v1
     └─defaultFlag boolean 是否默认地址 v1


    "code": 0,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "msg": "请求成功",
    "data": {
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        "firstName": "Vinnie",
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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/count

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 顾客数量


curl -X GET -k -i /openapi/v1/customers/count


Field Type Description Since
code int32 code v1
errorCode int32 errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─count int64 数量 v1


    "code": 0,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "msg": "请求成功",
    "data": {
        "count": 168



URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{customerId}/addresses

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 添加顾客地址


Parameter Type Description Required Since
customerId int64 No comments found. true -


Parameter Type Description Required Since
firstName string false v1
lastName string false v1
email string 邮箱 true v1
address1 string 地址1 false v1
address2 string 地址2 false v1
area string 区域 false v1
city string 城市 false v1
province string false v1
provinceCode string 省代码 false v1
country string 国家 false v1
countryCode string 国家代码 false v1
company string 公司 false v1
phone string 手机 false v1
phoneAreaCode string 手机区号 false v1
zip string 邮编 false v1
defaultFlag boolean 是否默认地址 true v1


curl -X POST -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/customers/576/addresses --data '{
    "firstName": "Vinnie",
    "lastName": "Li",
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Field Type Description Since
code int32 code v1
errorCode int32 errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─id int64 地址Id v1
└─customerId int64 顾客Id v1
└─firstName string v1
└─lastName string v1
└─name string 姓名 v1
└─email string 邮箱 v1
└─phone string 手机号 v1
└─company string 公司 v1
└─address1 string 地址1 v1
└─address2 string 地址2 v1
└─area string 区域 v1
└─city string 城市 v1
└─province string v1
└─provinceCode string 省代码 v1
└─country string 国家 v1
└─countryCode string 国家代码 v1
└─countryName string 国家名称 v1
└─zip string 邮编 v1
└─defaultFlag boolean 是否默认地址 v1


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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{customerId}/addresses/{addressId}

Type: PUT

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 更新顾客地址


Parameter Type Description Required Since
customerId int64 顾客Id. true -
addressId int64 地址Id. true -


Parameter Type Description Required Since
firstName string false v1
lastName string false v1
email string 邮箱 true v1
address1 string 地址1 false v1
address2 string 地址2 false v1
area string 区域 false v1
city string 城市 false v1
province string false v1
provinceCode string 省代码 false v1
country string 国家 false v1
countryCode string 国家代码 false v1
company string 公司 false v1
phone string 手机 false v1
phoneAreaCode string 手机区号 false v1
zip string 邮编 false v1
defaultFlag boolean 是否默认地址 true v1


curl -X PUT -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/customers/583/addresses/421 --data '{
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Field Type Description Since
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errorCode int32 errorCode v1
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└─name string 姓名 v1
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└─company string 公司 v1
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└─city string 城市 v1
└─province string v1
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└─country string 国家 v1
└─countryCode string 国家代码 v1
└─countryName string 国家名称 v1
└─zip string 邮编 v1
└─defaultFlag boolean 是否默认地址 v1


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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{customerId}/addresses/{addressId}


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 删除顾客地址


Parameter Type Description Required Since
customerId int64 顾客Id. true -
addressId int64 地址Id. true -


curl -X DELETE -k -i /openapi/v1/customers/249/addresses/755


Field Type Description Since
code int32 code v1
errorCode int32 errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1


    "code": 0,
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    "data": true


URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{customerId}/addresses/{addressId}/default

Type: PUT

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 设置顾客默认地址


Parameter Type Description Required Since
customerId int64 No comments found. true -
addressId int64 No comments found. true -


curl -X PUT -k -i /openapi/v1/customers/833/addresses/156/default


Field Type Description Since
code int32 code v1
errorCode int32 errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1


    "code": 0,
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    "data": true


URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{customerId}/addresses

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 顾客地址列表


Parameter Type Description Required Since
customerId int64 No comments found. true -


Parameter Type Description Required Since
pageNo int32 页码,从1开始 true v1
pageSize int32 每页显示条数 default: 10, maximum: 200 true v1


curl -X GET -k -i /openapi/v1/customers/351/addresses?pageSize=10&pageNo=817


Field Type Description Since
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errorCode int32 errorCode v1
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data array data v1
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└─name string 姓名 v1
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└─phone string 手机号 v1
└─company string 公司 v1
└─address1 string 地址1 v1
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└─area string 区域 v1
└─city string 城市 v1
└─province string v1
└─provinceCode string 省代码 v1
└─country string 国家 v1
└─countryCode string 国家代码 v1
└─countryName string 国家名称 v1
└─zip string 邮编 v1
└─defaultFlag boolean 是否默认地址 v1


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URL: /openapi/v1/customers/{customerId}/addresses/{addressId}

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 顾客地址详情


Parameter Type Description Required Since
customerId int64 No comments found. true -
addressId int64 No comments found. true -


curl -X GET -k -i /openapi/v1/customers/510/addresses/137


Field Type Description Since
code int32 code v1
errorCode int32 errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
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└─area string 区域 v1
└─city string 城市 v1
└─province string v1
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└─country string 国家 v1
└─countryCode string 国家代码 v1
└─countryName string 国家名称 v1
└─zip string 邮编 v1
└─defaultFlag boolean 是否默认地址 v1


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URL: /openapi/v1/shop/

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 店铺信息


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/shop/


Field Type Description Since
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errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
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URL: /openapi/v1/script/tags/

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 添加脚本


Header Type Description Required Since
Access-Token string null true -


Parameter Type Description Required Since
script string 脚本 true v1
displayScope string 展示范围 eg:all,index,collection,product,cart,coupon,search,checkout,404 true v1
eventType string 事件类型 eg:app true v1


curl -X POST -k -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'Access-Token' -i /openapi/v1/script/tags/ --data '{
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Field Type Description Since
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URL: /openapi/v1/script/tags/{id}

Type: PUT

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 更新脚本


Parameter Type Description Required Since
id int64 No comments found. true -


Parameter Type Description Required Since
script string 脚本 true v1
displayScope string 展示范围 eg:all,index,collection,product,cart,coupon,search,checkout,404 true v1
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Field Type Description Since
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URL: /openapi/v1/script/tags/{id}


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 删除脚本


Parameter Type Description Required Since
id int64 No comments found. true -


curl -X DELETE -k -i /openapi/v1/script/tags/233


Field Type Description Since
code int32 code v1
errorCode int32 errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1


    "code": 0,
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URL: /openapi/v1/script/tags/

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 脚本列表


Header Type Description Required Since
Access-Token string null true -


Parameter Type Description Required Since
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curl -X GET -k -H 'Access-Token' -i /openapi/v1/script/tags/?pageSize=10&pageNo=1&eventType=app


Field Type Description Since
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URL: /openapi/v1/script/tags/{id}

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 脚本详情


Parameter Type Description Required Since
id int64 No comments found. true -


curl -X GET -k -i /openapi/v1/script/tags/122


Field Type Description Since
code int32 code v1
errorCode int32 errorCode v1
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data object data v1
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URL: /openapi/v1/script/tags/count

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 脚本数量


Header Type Description Required Since
Access-Token string No comments found. true -


curl -X GET -k -H 'Access-Token' -i /openapi/v1/script/tags/count


Field Type Description Since
code int32 code v1
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    "code": 0,
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webhook通知会包含HTTP headers和JSON格式数据。以orders/create事件为例,会包含如下headers:

  • X-Shoptop-Topic: orders/create
  • X-Shoptop-Hmac-Sha256: XWmrwMey6OsLMeiZKwP4FppHH3cmAiiJJAweH5Jo4bM=
  • X-Shoptop-Shop-Domain: abc.ishoptop.com
  • X-Shoptop-Api-Version: v1

其中,X-Shoptop-Hmac-Sha256可以用来验证webhooks,X-Shoptop-Shop-Domain则标识了此事件对应的店铺。X-Shoptop-Api-Version表明了使用的webhook API版本。


Events Topics Response Example
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Customer customers/create,
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"address2": "",
"city": "Louisville",
"province": "Kentucky",
"country": "United States",
"zip": "40202",
"phone": "555-625-1199",
"phone_area_code": "+86",
"name": "",
"province_code": "KY",
"country_code": "US",
"country_name": "United States",
"default": true
"addresses": [{
"id": "2ffa86e9-f3f4-4684-84b6-05399ef19709",
"customer_id": "1dfa86e9-f3f4-4684-8eb6-05399ef19705",
"first_name": null,
"last_name": null,
"company": null,
"address1": "Chestnut Street 92",
"address2": "",
"city": "Louisville",
"province": "Kentucky",
"country": "United States",
"zip": "40202",
"phone": "555-625-1199",
"phone_area_code": "+86",
"name": "",
"province_code": "KY",
"country_code": "US",
"country_name": "United States",
"default": true
customers/delete {
"customer": {
"id": "0097cfc8-6ec3-40ed-ab9f-6f2231b705a6"

Webhook API


URL: /openapi/v1/webhooks/

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: webhook列表


Parameter Type Description Required Since
pageNo number 页码,从1开始 true v1
pageSize number 每页显示条数 default: 10, maximum: 200 true v1
id number 主键ID false v1
address string webhook通知地址 false v1
topic string 订阅事件名称 false v1
createTimeBegin string 创建时间Begin false v1
createTimeEnd string 创建时间End false v1
updateTimeBegin string 更新时间Begin false v1
updateTimeEnd string 更新时间End false v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/webhooks/?updateTimeEnd=2021-08-12 09:29:39&updateTimeBegin=2021-08-12 09:29:39&pageNo=903&pageSize=10&address=http://facebook.ishoptop.com&createTimeBegin=2021-08-12 09:29:39&topic=34kwex&createTimeEnd=2021-08-12 09:29:39&id=87


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─list array 数据 v1
     └─id number 主键ID v1
     └─address string webhook通知地址 v1
     └─topic string 订阅事件名称 v1
     └─createTime string 订阅时间 v1
     └─updateTime string 更新时间 v1
└─total number 总量 v1


    "code": 0,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "msg": "请求成功",
    "data": {
        "list": [
                "id": "1425707051551563777",
                "address": "http://localhost:8080/webhooks",
                "topic": "orders/create",
                "createTime": "2021-08-12 14:33:44",
                "updateTime": null
        "total": "1"


URL: /openapi/v1/webhooks/count

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: webhook数量


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/webhooks/count


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─count number 数量 v1


    "code": 0,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "msg": "请求成功",
    "data": {
        "count": "1"


URL: /openapi/v1/webhooks/{id}

Type: GET

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: webhook详情


Parameter Type Description Required Since
id number id true v1


curl -X GET -i /openapi/v1/webhooks/132


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─id number 主键ID v1
└─address string webhook通知地址 v1
└─topic string 订阅事件名称 v1
└─createTime string 订阅时间 v1
└─updateTime string 更新时间 v1


    "code": 0,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "msg": "请求成功",
    "data": {
        "id": "1425707051551563777",
        "address": "http://localhost:8080/webhooks",
        "topic": "orders/create",
        "createTime": "2021-08-12 14:33:44",
        "updateTime": null


URL: /openapi/v1/webhooks/

Type: POST

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 创建webhook


Header Type Description Required Since
Access-Token string 访问token true v1


Parameter Type Description Required Since
address string webhook通知地址 false v1
topic string 订阅的事件主题 false v1


curl -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -H 'Access-Token' -i /openapi/v1/webhooks/ --data '{


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─id number 主键ID v1
└─address string webhook通知地址 v1
└─topic string 订阅事件名称 v1
└─createTime string 订阅时间 v1
└─updateTime string 更新时间 v1


    "code": 0,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "msg": "请求成功",
    "data": {
        "id": "1425707051551563777",
        "address": "http://localhost:8080/webhooks",
        "topic": "orders/create",
        "createTime": "2021-08-12 14:33:44",
        "updateTime": null


URL: /openapi/v1/webhooks/

Type: PUT

Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8

Description: 更新webhook


Parameter Type Description Required Since
id number 主键ID false v1
address string webhook通知地址 false v1
topic string 订阅的事件主题 false v1


curl -X PUT -H 'Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8' -i /openapi/v1/webhooks/ --data '{
    "id": 667,


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1
└─id number 主键ID v1
└─address string webhook通知地址 v1
└─topic string 订阅事件名称 v1
└─createTime string 订阅时间 v1
└─updateTime string 更新时间 v1


    "code": 0,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "msg": "请求成功",
    "data": {
        "id": "1425707051551563777",
        "address": "http://localhost:8080/webhooks",
        "topic": "orders/create",
        "createTime": "2021-08-12 14:33:44",
        "updateTime": null


URL: /openapi/v1/webhooks/{id}


Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=utf-8

Description: 删除webhook


Parameter Type Description Required Since
id number id true v1


curl -X DELETE -i /openapi/v1/webhooks/749


Field Type Description Since
code number code v1
errorCode number errorCode v1
msg string message v1
data object data v1


    "code": 0,
    "errorCode": 0,
    "msg": "请求成功",
    "data": {



Code Type Description
0 string success
1 string failed
200 string ok
400 string Bad Request
401 string Unauthorized
403 string Forbidden
404 string Not Found
415 string Unsupported Media Type
429 string Too many requests
500 string Internal Server Error
502 string Bad Gateway
503 string Service Unavailable